Seven and her babiesThis blog features my beloved dacshund mommy Seven and her cute little pack. None of these puppies are available, they have all gone to wonderful homes and can be seen on our great pictures page. For available pups check here: Available Pups
 Left to right Frank, Jiffy(now Rigby), Jelly Bean(now PJ), Junebug(now Addison) and Lady Bug(now Jaeda).
My miniature dachshund Seven gave birth to five healthy babies. Those babies are now 5 weeks old, and I will be detailing their progress from week to week until they are old enough to go to their forever homes. Jelly Bean will be staying here with us, so we'll be taking a lot of pictures of her as she grows and you can follow her progress through adulthood. Hopefully we'll get pictures of the others when they are grown up too. I'll be sure and add them to the 'Great Pictures' page if we do.
When the pups were 3 weeks old they moved from their now cramped whelping pen to a spacious two room puppy nursery. A sleeping area lined with linen for bedding, and a larger potty area lined with newspaper. The areas are connected by a narrow entryway so it is clear to them that the areas are seperate. This encourages the puppies to toddle off of their bed area to eliminate themselves and is the start of house training.
They instinctively keep their bedding clean, of course at this age they need a lot of help from Mom, and I have to keep replacing the bedding frequently because accidents do happen.
The puppies really like going through the doorway. In and out and in and out...
...and in
| ...and out
...and in and out.
First Supper
At just 4 1/2 weeks old the pups had their first taste of solid food, and they liked it! Jiffy got squeezed out at first, but she made up for it by staying the longest.
I wish I could have recorded the sound of the lapping of five hungry puppies. "slurp slurp slurp!"
"I'm stuffed!"
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
Once they were full mommy came in to help clean up the mess.
"She's eating it all!"
"That's ok we like this better."
| Desert?